Contains biographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to people who died during or before the year 2005.
Biographical information on people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
It combines biographies from multiple Gale reference publications, such as Contemporary Authors, Encyclopedia of World Biography, Dictionary of American Biography, and Directory of American Scholars, with articles from more than 300 magazines, such as American History, The Christian Century, and U.S. News & World Report.
British biographies, past and present. Includes significant individuals throughout the former British Empire. In print: 1904- . King Ref/King Circ/SWD DA28 .W6
King Ref E176 .N28
Late 19th through mid 20th century source for biographies of important, lesser know individuals that influenced American life, culture, business, etc. Sometimes includes photographs or sketches.