Ebsco) Focus on African, African-American, and African Diaspora studies. Includes citations to books, articles, pamphlets, dissertations, and more.
Sources include book citations, periodicals and magazine articles, radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, pamphlets, maps, reports, theses, music recordings, and much more.
(Ebsco) General art database, with coverage from 1977-present. International in scope. Many citations include attached full text articles.
Coverage is broad and includes art history, architecture, advertising, archaeology, crafts, fine arts, folk art, graphic arts, interior design, jewelry, film, and photography. This database also cites art reproductions used to illustrate articles or advertisements. full-text is available for selected journals starting from 1997. Abstracts available for articles published after 1994. Citations indexed from 1929-present. Art full-text continues Art Abstracts and Art Index.
(Ebsco) Similar content as Art Full Text, but covers 1929-1984. Mostly citations and abstracts; fewer attached full text articles.
Feature articles, interviews, film reviews, book reviews, bibliographies, exhibition listings, conference reports, anthologies, editorials, reproduction of works of art, notices of competitions and awards and letters to the editor are indexed. Subjects covered include advertising art, antiques, archaeology, architecture and architectural history, art history, crafts, and much more.
Comprehensive encyclopedia of many different aspects of art and artists from around the world. Includes bibliographic information. Only 3 users at a time.
Although the Benezit Dictionary of Art is included in search results, Miami does not subscribe to this portion, so you will not be able to access them. You will see a red lock icon by these entries. Wertz Art and Architecture Library's reference section has the 2006 Benezit Dictionary of Art in hardcopy.