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Architecture and Interior Design: UNV 101

All Architecture Indexes and Databases

These are all of the online indexes and databases that the library subscribes to that may relate to architecture.  For resources specific to architectural history or to images, please see the sub-pages listed to the left.

Where is the article?

Click on the "Find it!" icon to find more information about where to get the actual article once you find it in an index or database.

Find it button

If the article is available online, you will see a link to it.

If the article is available in print, you will see a library location (e.g. King Library) and a call number.  Go to that library's periodicals section and look up the call number.  Make sure you write down the volume, issue, and year of your article before you go.

If no copies are available, click on the link that says "InterLibrary Loan Options."  Click on "Journal Article" and fill out the info.  We will try to find the article for you and mail or email it to you.

Your Librarian

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Stefanie Hilles
Find me on chat 3:00-6:00 on Mondays and Tuesdays!
Wertz Art and Architecture Library
7 Alumni Hall

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