With Catalyst '24 now completed, you can click below to see some of the final products from our workgroups:
Library staff grant writing LibGuide
Library staff grant pre-proposal form
A dedicated page for Catalyst ’24 outcomes with more information on initiative outcomes can be found here.
Strategic Plan Overview
In AY24, the Libraries will continue working on the three goals developed in AY21, which have driven the work done over the past three years. Three action-oriented initiatives are aligned with these three goals.
Goal 1: Develop talent, resources, and experiences to facilitate an inclusive community.
Goal 2: Transform the Libraries’ environment and user-centered experience to anticipate evolving modes of learning.
Goal 3: Forge meaningful partnerships that foster affordability, ensure relevancy, and cultivate life-long connections.
Teams will continue to take intentional steps to align the work they are completing with MiamiRISE as well as support DEI initiatives.
Catalyst '23 Outcomes
Last year's iteration of the Strategic Plan produced amazing outcomes! To learn more, visit the AY23 Strategic Plan Outcomes page (https://libguides.lib.miamioh.edu/strategic-planning/AY23-outcomes).
You can also learn more in the Catalyst AY23 Final Report.
The strategic plan progress dashboard is maintained monthly. It is a visual representation of how each workgroup is progressing.
Overall Progress represents the cumulative progress for every action on the strategic plan.
Goal Progress represents the progress for all aspects of that goal.
Initiative Progress represents the progress for all aspects of that initiative. This year, initiative progress will match goal progress as there is one initiative per goal.
Each initiative is broken into objectives, or smaller tasks, to help achieve the initiative. Objective Progress (found in the Dashboard document, not pictured below) represents the progress for all tasks within an initiative objective.
AY24 Catalyst Progress Dashboard
Catalyst progress as of July 1.
I want to thank everyone who attended the meeting in-person or virtually and everyone who contributed to this past year of strategic planning. As this was the last business review of the year, we primarily focused on discussing this past year’s accomplishments. Workgroups shared their final products and discussed plans for wrapping up or continuing their initiatives.
Here is a brief summary of just some of the workgroups’ accomplishments:
Talent Management - On-Boarding
Libraries’ Commitment to Inclusive Excellence
External Funding
You can learn more about our Catalyst ‘24 accomplishments by viewing the presentation slides, meeting recording, or by viewing the outcomes page on this LibGuide.
Links and resources related to Catalyst:
Top Takeaways;
Top Takeaways:
Provide anonymous feedback here at any time.
You can also reach out to Chris Smith with questions, comments, or concerns.