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Libraries' Strategic Plan: Catalyst | AY 24-25 Strategic Plan


First Business Review of Catalyst '25!

All staff are welcome to attend the first Business Review for Catalyst '25!  During this time together, we will hear updates for the three initiatives and set targets for wrapping up the strategic planning cycle.

What: Catalyst Business Review #1

When: Monday, March 17, 2 PM

Where: Join us on Zoom!

Hope to see you there!

AY 24-25 Strategic Plan and Values

Strategic Plan Overview

In AY25, the Libraries will continue working on the three goals developed in AY21, which have driven the work done over the past three years. Three action-oriented initiatives have been created with input from Libraries staff and leadership, with two initiatives under Goal 1 and one initiative under Goal 3.

Goal 1: Develop talent, resources, and experiences to facilitate an inclusive community.

  • Talent Management - Staff Recognition - Develop new ways to recognize and celebrate our staff and share our accomplishments with colleagues, partners, and stakeholders, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration.
    • Sponsor: Aaron Shrimplin
    • Facilitators: Carla Myers and Katelyn DeGregorio
    • Workgroup Members: Kristen Adams, Sabrina Mason, Candace Pine, and Donna Richardson
    • Action Plan

Goal 2: Transform the Libraries’ environment and user-centered experience to anticipate evolving modes of learning.

  • Library Recognition - Market and communicate the Libraries' value through seeking regional and national recognition for the Libraries and our staff.
    • Sponsor: Aaron Shrimplin
    • Facilitator: Chris Smith
    • Workgroup Members: Rachel Makarowski, Sam Shoup, Michael Smith, and Rich Wisneski
    • Action Plan

Goal 3: Forge meaningful partnerships that foster affordability, ensure relevancy, and cultivate life-long connections.

  • External Funding - Build on previous work in initiative area by targeting large external funding opportunities and pursuing advancement opportunities.
    • Facilitator: Jason Ezell and Kevin Messner
    • Workgroup Members: Mark Dahlquist, Jacky Johnson, Roger Justus, and John Williams
    • Action Plan

Teams will continue to take intentional steps to align the work they are completing with MiamiTHRIVE as well as support DEI initiatives.

Catalyst '24 Outcomes

Last year's iteration of the Strategic Plan produced amazing outcomes!  To learn more, visit the AY24 Strategic Plan Outcomes page.

Strategic Plan Initiatives Progress Dashboard

The strategic plan progress dashboard is maintained monthly.  It is a visual representation of how each workgroup is progressing.  

Overall Progress represents the cumulative progress for every action on the strategic plan.

Goal Progress represents the progress for all aspects of that goal.

Initiative Progress represents the progress for all aspects of that initiative.  This year, initiative progress will match goal progress as there is one initiative per goal.

Each initiative is broken into objectives, or smaller tasks, to help achieve the initiative. Objective Progress (found in the Dashboard document, not pictured below) represents the progress for all tasks within an initiative objective. 

AY25 Catalyst Progress Dashboard

Catalyst progress as of March 1.

A Look Ahead...

calendar with a check on one date

- AY25 Timeline -


  • Ongoing workgroup meetings
  • 28th: Dashboard updates


  • Ongoing workgroup meetings
  • 17th: Business Review
  • 30th: Dashboard updates

Questions, feedback, concerns?

Please reach out to Chris Smith with questions, comments, or concerns.

Last updated - March 10, 2025