Goal 1: Develop talent, resources, and experiences to facilitate an inclusive community.
Professional Development
Professional Development LibGuide
- Developed a LibGuide to support staff of all classifications in using professional development funds
- Landing page for all staff that branches out to a separate page for classified staff, unclassified staff, and Librarians
- Guide includes information on:
- How you can use your professional development funds
- How PD funding works
- How to get started with professional organizations
- How to use ChromeRiver
- Professional development is for everyone
Goal 2: Transform the Libraries' environment and user-centered experience to anticipate evolving modes of learning and the actual resource needs of our community.
Virtual Spaces and Services
VSS Dashboard
- Developed flyers to market four key virtual services: 1) MyGuide, 2) Software Checkout, 3) Chat Reference, and 4) Leisure Reading Collection
- Flyers will be distributed to key areas around campus in AY23 with a goal of seeing a 10% increase in each of the services
- Developed a Virtual Spaces and Services Dashboard to provide data visualization to key data measures
- Collaborated with each department to determine what data sets were most relevant to track
- This is an ongoing project - additional data requests can be sent to systems@miamioh.edu
Goal 3: Forge meaningful partnerships that foster affordability, ensure relevancy, and cultivate lifelong connections.
Meaningful Partnerships
Meaningful Partnerships Toolkit
- Developed a toolkit to help Libraries staff navigate partnerships
- The toolkit includes:
- Best practices that outline priorities and strategies for successful partnerships
- Workflows that outline the paths available to creating a mutually beneficial partnership
- Evaluation tools that provide a variety of options for evaluating and adapting your partnership as needed
- A working list of current partnerships that Libraries staff have
- Current Partnerships is a working document - please update as your partnership work evolves!
For more information on AY22 highlights, check out the July 17, 2022 Business Review slides or recap email.