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Political Science: POL 271

Indexes to Journals

Think Tanks and Policy Papers

News Sources

Newspaper Indexes and Lists

The first two indexes below (Newspaper Source and Nexis Uni) also are good sources. Newspaper Source is particularly good for Ohio newspapers. For a list of many single news sources see the News Sources tab in the Political Science subject guide.

Individual Titles

Some titles have free access and some have restrictions on the number of free articles. Some of these titles may be indexed in the databases above.

Associated Press

Washington Post


These are focused more on political reporting and analysis




Issues Background

The databases below all contain CRS Reports, but they can be hard to find n the database.

  • Nexis Uni-- In the center of the screen, under Guided Search, select publication and enter Congressional Research Service and put keywords to search for in the box Search For Something Specfic
  • Hein Online -- Search in the search box for "Congressional Research Service" and then search within the results (arrow icon) by keywords or instead of entering a keywor,  look to the facets at the left and look under pathfinder subjects
  • Proquest Congressional -- Type "CRS Report" in the search box and add a keyword. Broad words/countries usually work better. Facets to the left will allow you to limit by CRS Reports.