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Libraries' Strategic Plan: AY21 Strategic Plan Outcomes

Catalyst | AY 20-21 Strategic Plan Outcomes

Thank you to everyone who participated in an initiative workgroup for the AY 20-21 Strategic Plan!  You accomplished so much during a year of change and uncertainty.  The work you did has paved the way for continued efforts into AY 21-22.

This section is designed to provide information on the work these groups accomplished.

Workgroup Highlights

 Goal 1: Develop talent, resources, and experiences to facilitate an inclusive community.

Professional Development

• Received feedback on the current Professional Development LibGuide and worked towards its usefulness for everyone in the Libraries

• Examined ways to sustainably maintain the LibGuide to keep it up to date

• Developed a 2021 Professional Development survey, reviewed the results, and made note of work that needs to be done moving forward; noted a gap in information about unclassified, non-librarian staff's PD opportunities and set goals to develop ways to fill this gap in the future


Investigated the Miami University Library community’s experience with flex work, ideas about what future flex work could look like, and the challenges and opportunities with flex work during COVID

• Looked beyond the pandemic to understand the impact of flexwork itself

(Click on the image to enlarge)

 Goal 2: Transform the Libraries' environment and user-centered experience to anticipate evolving modes of learning and the actual resource needs of our community.

Virtual Spaces and Services

• Completed the #GoDigital marketing campaign, which was designed to raise awareness of four critical library digital services: Digital Collections, Software Checkout, Research Guides, and Library Chat

• Created by students for students, the campaign is a culmination of a year-long collaboration with the Department of Media, Journalism & Film. Elite students from a Strategic Communications senior capstone class conducted original marketing research for the campaign using surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews in fall 2020.

•Anna Gyde, a graduating senior and honors student in Strategic Communication, designed and implemented the #GoDigital campaign in spring 2021

• Continued working on an algorithmic audit of the libraries’ discovery system over the summer


Communicating Services

• Developed a Strategic Communications Resources shared drive

• Created a tagged photography repository                             

• Developed a Library-specific Style Guide LibGuide              

• Shared a "Communicating Services Strategic Planning Survey 2021" with Miami University undergraduate students; results are being analyzed and will be released soon!

Goal 3: Forge meaningful partnerships that foster affordability, ensure relevancy, and cultivate life-long connections.

Meaningful Partnerships

• Conducted a survey and focus groups to articulate the climate and needs of Libraries partnerships

• Developed an outline for a partnership toolkit that will include 1) a list of current partnerships, 2) an environmental scan listening potential partnerships, and 3) rubrics for evaluating current partnerships

For more information on AY21 highlights, check out the Catalyst AY20-21 Celebrations email.