The Regional E-Learning Initiatives Department and Gardner-Harvey Library developed three training workshops to help introduce faculty and staff to our new iPads. Sessions cover the basics of using the iPads and their updated iOS, as well as providing training on different apps that are useful both in and out of the classroom.
Participants learn the fundamental operations of an iPad and become comfortable with navigation, settings, and basic device management. This session also explores some of the best and most useful iPad apps to get started with incorporating your iPad into your personal and professional lives.
In this session, we demonstrate several apps with instructional uses and engage participants in classroom scenarios that you could apply to your own courses. We provide interactive practice with the apps, and imagine ways to use the featured apps and others with our students.
Looking to become more productive with iPads in your course or daily work flow? This session provides an exciting overview of productivity apps that you can use with your students or colleagues such as ShowMe, Explain Everything, ScreenChomp, Evernote, Skitch, VoiceThread, Audio Memos, Penultimate and Creative Book Builder. Most of these apps are free and easily accessible to both you and your students.
If you are interested in learning more about the iPads or would like to have an indivdual or group training session, please let us know.
Websites cover everything from the basics of using an iPad to providing lists of the best apps to help with different projects.
Kathy Schrock, iPads for Teaching
Apple Education Seminars and Events
iPad Training 101: A New User's Guide to the iPad
iPad Basics: Navigation Tips and Settings
Interested in reading up on how iPads have been used in schools or how you can apply them to your work and personal life? Check out some of these journal articles and books for more ideas: