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Neuroscience: Getting into Grad School


It takes time and a lot of work to determine which graduate program is best for you. Start early and use the steps below as a guide:

  1. Get Involved in labs, research, independent study - whatever! This helps you figure out your interests and provides practical experience that looks good on applications.
  2. Start Early - see Career Services' Graduate School Application Checklist for a timeline of tasks.
  3. Research, Research, Research - whether you're motivated by prestige of an institution, working with a specific researcher, geographic location, or some other variable, you need to research to determine what your options are. Read up on programs, requirements, faculty and more to determine which schools are the best fit for you.
  4. Talk to people - You have many resources at your disposal - current graduate students, faculty, career services, writing center, & library staff - who can answer questions you have about expectations, requirements, standards, and more. Utilize them.
  5. Prepare - whether you're studying for the GRE, writing your personal statement, practicing for an interview, all of these steps take time and practice. Plan ahead and rely on others to give you feedback so that you can put your best foot forward.

Rankings of Graduate Programs

Do your Research

Connect with a Researcher

What to do with a Psychology Degree

Test prep materials