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LibGuides Standards & How-to's

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Create / Re-Use a Box

Add box

Add a New Box

  1. Click any of the Add Box options on the page (Add Top Box, Add Bottom Box, Add Box Column 1, Add Box Column 2).
  2. Type in your Box Name.
  3. Choose the type of box from the Type dropdown menu (recommend Standard).
  4. Choose where you want the box to display (for column boxes) from the Position dropdown menu.
  5. To hide the box from public display, check the box next to Draft Mode.
  6. Click Save.

Re-Use an Existing Box

  1. Click any of the Add Box options on the page (Add Top Box, Add Bottom Box, Add Box Column 1, Add Box Column 2).
  2. At the top of the box, click the Reuse Existing Box tab.
  3. Select the guide from which to re-use a box from the Guide dropdown menu.
  4. Select a box from that guide to re-use from the Box dropdown menu.
  5. Type in your Box Name.
  6. Choose where you want the box to display (for column boxes) from the Position dropdown menu.
  7. To hide the box from public display, check the box next to Draft Mode.
  8. Use the Copy checkbox to create a copy of this box on your current page rather than linking to the original. If you select this option, changes made to the original box will not affect this copy you are creating. 
  9. Click Save.