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Add Content (Assets) to Boxes

Add content to box

  1. Click the Add/Reorder dropdown at the bottom of any box.
  2. Choose what type of asset (content) you would like to add from the dropdown menu. Most common choices are:
    1. Rich Text/HTML: Your standard WYSIWYG-based rich text content item. Add your own custom HTML, images, tables, etc.
    2. Database: Add a link to a database from the Database A-Z list. Database entries are created and updated centrally by Jennifer Bazeley in the Databases repository.
    3. Link: Add a web link. Any link. Create a brand new link or re-use one of your existing links.
    4. Media/Widget: Add a widget for a video, search box, an iframe of another webpage, or anything else you can embed. Adding your widget code through this asset type (instead of adding it to the Rich Text/HTML type) allows for the widget to be re-used across your system.
    5. Document/File: Upload a document to your guide that your users can quickly access and download. Files can be up to 20MB (LibGuides CMS). Add a new file or re-use an existing one from your system.

Re-Order Box Content

  1. Click the Add/Reorder button at the bottom of the box.
  2. Choose Reorder from the dropdown list.
  3. Drag and drop the box's content items to their new locations.
  4. Tip: You can group assets of the same content type together in the same group. You can also drag an asset out of that group and move it to its own location in the box.
  5. Click Done Reordering.

Copying & Pasting Text


When copying and pasting text into a Guide, it is highly recommended that you paste the content into Notepad first, then copy and paste out of Notepad into a Guide. This removes any proprietary formatting from the original source.

If you prefer not to use Notepad, after pasting your content into the Guide, highlight the pasted text in your Guide and use the Remove Format icon to reset to default formatting.