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CMR 117: Personal Finance: Citing Your Sources

Citing Business Databases

There is a great collection of guides compiled by the University of St. Thomas Libraries that will help you cite information from a variety of business databases and other sources.


Here's an MLA citation for the Kroger entry in Mergent Online (from the Business Sources tab on our Citations Guide).  The final date is the date that you viewed the information in the database:

"Kroger Co. company details report." Mergent Online Database. Mergent, n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2020. 


Here's the same citation in APA format: 

Mergent. (n.d.). Kroger [Company Profile]. Retrieved Apr. 29, 2020, from 


You may also see the Citing Sources  page of the library site for a number of useful links and tips for information on how cite your sources and also some tools that will help you do so. And whatever you do, don't forget the ability to email yourself an APA, MLA, or Chicago citation from Articles & More and other databases. If you don't know how to do this, just ask me!