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Business Law

Best Bets - Law Databases


Finding Legal Encyclopedias, etc. and the Ohio Revised Code Annotated - instructions on how to efficiently find these sources online

Other Sources

Nexis Uni for Students Course

Federal Resources

Supreme Court Cases

  • These are published in three legal reporters, United States (US) Reports the official reporter, Supreme Court Reporter (S. Ct.) published by West, United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers Edition ( L. Ed., L. Ed. 2d) , published by Lexis. For a quick overview of Supreme Court cases try

6th Circuit Court of Appeals

American Jurisprudence (Federal, State & Local) - Introduction to legal issues

State Print & Online Resources (Ohio)

Your Librarian

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Abigail Morgan

Summer 2024 Research Assistance

I'm available via:
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day

206 King Library