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Business Research Database Finder

Research Type Databases
Consumer research

Mediamark, Mintel, Statista, SimplyAnalytics

Industry research IBISWorld, MarketLine, Euromonitor, Key Business Ratios
Company research (SWOT Analyses)

Hoover’s, MarketLine, Business Source Complete

Advertising information SRDS
Finance information Value Line, Mergent, Bond Viewer, WRDS
International research

MarketLine, Euromonitor, Statista, Global Road Warrior

See also: Marketing Subject Guide; Economics Subject Guide

Please note, this is not an exhaustive list, it is simply meant to help you get started.

Best Bets

NY Times & WSJ

New Books on Business

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COVID-19 and Business ResearchResources & Strategies for Researching COVID-19's Impact on Businesses & the Economy. This document was compiled by business librarians nationwide.

Your Librarian

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Abigail Morgan

Summer 2024 Research Assistance

I'm available via:
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day

206 King Library