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Faculty Services (Middletown): Teaching & Classroom Support

Streaming Video in Canvas and Course Reserves

Copyright and Fair Use

Here is the link you can put in front of library-owned or -subscribed article, video, or e-book URLs that will allow for off-campus access:

Tell Your Students About Us on Your Syllabus!

Here's a paragraph to copy and paste into your syllabus (or edit however you would like):

Students, be sure to use the Gardner-Harvey Library for your research and studying needs.  Talk with a librarian about where to start your research project or how to search efficiently online. Borrow a textbook on reserve or a laptop.  Print, scan, or request a 3D printer job.  Reserve one of the nine study rooms for study or group projects.  Study on a fit bike, read today’s news, check the new book collection, or create something in the TEC Lab.  The Library’s services and hours are listed on the website,  Also see research tools and steps at

TEC Lab Makerspace

Space: the Gardner-Harvey Library Has It for You

English Language Learners