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Capstone Research (Middletown): Search

Searching - Discovery Service, Databases, Catalog, Portals

Words & Searching

Keyword Search.  Brainstorm words that describe what you want to research.  Use synonyms.

Subject Search.  Databases provide controlled vocabulary which collect related articles, no matter the actual wording in the title or abstract, See Subject  or Thesaurus for lists of subject terms.

Tip: Learn the language in this field to improve your search results.
Which search terms lead to highly relevant information? Which lead nowhere?

Search terms may include scientific, technical, common and professional language

Advanced Search may use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or North American Industrial Standard Code (NAISC)

Keyword, Subject, Limiters, Boolean Operators

Start with Keywords. 
Switch to Subject Terms; this is called  Faceted Searching and is an advanced strategy that produces better results.
Apply Limiters: Subject, Scholarly Peer-Reviewed, Date Range, Geography, Material Type, etc.
Combining search terms using AND, OR, NOT. (Boolean Operators allow a more precise search statement)

Library Subject Databases

Search Tip: Find Full Text

Yellow Find It! buttonIf you don't find full-text for an article in the database you're searching, click the yellow "Find It" button to find it in another library database.

Company & Non-profits Research