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Physics: PHY 101

Course Info

PHY 101, Physics and Society | Professor Vishwanath | Spring 2024

Please contact the physics librarian (Kristen) with any questions accessing or using the library.

Finding Popular Science Articles

Part of the weekly homework for this course includes finding a good science article from a popular news paper or magazine and summarizing it.

What makes a popular source different from a scholarly source?

  Popular Sources Scholarly Sources
Who Science communicators or journalists to general audiences Researchers to researchers
What News Scientific research studies
When Publication can happen quickly Publication is a long process
Where Websites, magazines, newspapers, blogs Scholarly journals
Why Communicate scientific news outside the field Contribute to findings in the field
How No peer review Peer-review process


Suggested Sources

Some Notes:

This list is intended to provide you some options but isn't comprehensive, feel welcome to use sources beyond this list.

Some sources are magazine or newspaper titles that are accessed through their own interface, or database. Others are accessed through a database (perhaps more than one database) with many other journals, magazines or newspapers. 

All sources are available to you on-campus or off, but you'll need to sign in with your standard Miami credentials - the login screen will be the familiar one you see with Canvas, email, and MyMiami.

These you'll access through a database with a different name from the title here. It doesn't matter too much if you have multiple choices of database when you click the links below, just watch for the date ranges, some have historical content and others are current.
These you'll access through a database, sometimes of same name as the title, probably mostly newspapers.


Profile Photo
Kristen Adams

If you have questions or need help with research, please contact me at

To schedule a meeting, please email me and let me know your preference for day/time and for in-person or virtual.

209 King Library