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Italian: Find Articles

How Do I Find Articles?

The Miami University Libraries offer more than 80,000 subscriptions to journal titles, and many more journals are available from other libraries. You just need a finding tool that will help you figure out what articles in what journals are on your subject.

So where are the finding tools?

The Miami University Libraries subscribe to over 300 indexes and research databases (subject list, alphabetical list) that identify articles about specific topics in many different subject areas. These indexes will often link you to online copies of these articles.

Don't know which finding tool to use?

Academic Search Complete is a good starting point for many subjects.

What if the index does not connect to an electronic version of the article?

Some indexes/databases will have a Find It button that may indicate if the Libraries have a hard copy of the journal, or if the Libraries have an electronic version from another e-journal provider. If not, do a Journal Title Search in the Miami University Libraries' catalog to see if a hard copy of the journal is available from one of the Libraries.

But what if the Miami University Libraries don't have the journal you need?

Miami students, faculty and staff may submit an Interlibrary Loan request to obtain a copy of the articles you need from another institution.

Search Tip: Use the Find It! Button

When you search a database for a "Full Text" item, you are only searching through that particular database for the document in full-text, and not our entire collection.  An item may exist as a "Full Text" selection within a different database.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the "Find It" button to cross-search other databses for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.

Find it button image
