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Inclusive Excellence: DEI Textbooks on Reserve

DEI Textbooks on Reserve

The Inclusive Excellence Committee has allocated funds to expand the Libraries' existing Textbooks on Reserve program.  Each semester, the Inclusive Excellence Committee purchases textbooks for courses on topics related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

To date, the committee has purchased 43 textbooks saving students $2,920.12*.

*Does not include online textbook savings

The Routledge History of Italian Americans book cover

Social Movements 1768-2021 textbook cover

Educational Change and the Political Process textbook cover

Textbook cover for "Rethinking Disability: A Disability Studies Approach to Inclusive Practices"

cover for textbook "gendered lives intersectional perspectives"

Course Textbook(s)
AMS 205 - Introduction to American Cultures American Studies: The Basics (ISBN 9781138775046)

 AMS 207 - America: Global and Intercultural Perspectives

Food & Society: Principles & Paradoxes   (ISBN 9781509542246)

Globalization & American Popular Culture  (ISBN 9781538142684)

AMS 222 (ITL 222; FST 222) - Italian American Culture

The Routledge History of Italian Americans (ISBN 9780415835831)

AMS 241 - Religions of the American People

America: Religions and Religion  (ISBN 9781133050025)

AMS 302 - Immigrant America

Stealing Buddha's Dinner  (ISBN 9780143113034)

BWS 221 (HST 221; CRE 221) - Survey of African American History

Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America 1619-2019 (ISBN  9780593449349)

BWS 348 (SOC 348) - Race and Ethnic Relations

Majority-Minority Relations Census Update  (ISBN 9780205006571)

BWS 362 (FSW 362; SOC 362) - Family Poverty

Whatever it Takes: Geoffrey Canada's Quest to Change Harlem and America  (ISBN 9780618569892)

 BWS 470 (SJS 470; SOC 470; BWS 470; DST 470) - Social and Political Activism

Social Movements  (ISBN 9780199363599)

Social Movements, 1768-2012  (ISBN 9781612052380)

DST 312 - American Deaf Cultures

Introduction to American Deaf Culture  (ISBN 9780199777549)

EDL 224 - Introduction to Education Policy

Educational Change and Political Process (ISBN 9781138692749)

EDL 312 - Foundations of Education in Global Contexts

Introduction to Comparative and International Education (ISBN 9781526445148)

 EDL 318A and 318M - Teacher Leadership and School Organization

Teacher Leadership for Social Justice: Building a Curriculum for Liberation (ISBN 9781793520760)

T eacher Leadership for the 21st Century  (ISBN 9781645650652)

 EDP 256 - Psychology of the Exceptional Learner

Rethinking Disability: A Disability Studies Approach To Inclusive Practices (ISBN 9781138085862)

Exceptional Lives Practice, Progress, & Dignity In Today's Schools (ISBN 9780134984339)

The Inclusive Classroom Strategies For Effective Differentiated Instruction (ISBN 9780134895024)


EDP 301A and 301M - Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Settings

Classroom Assessment What Teachers Need To Know (ISBN 9780135569108)

ENG 269 - Colonial & Postcolonial Literature

Cereus Blooms At Night (ISBN 9780802144621)

FST 282 - Sexualities and Film

Queer Cinema, The Film Reader  (ISBN 9780415319874)

HST 371 (AMS 371) - Native American History to 1840

The Huron-Wendat Feast Of The Dead (ISBN 9780801898556)

SJS 165 - Introduction to Social Justice Studies

Social Justice (ISBN 9781793519849)

SJS 215 - EMPOWER I: Educational and Economic Justice and Service-Learning

Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction To Key Concepts In Social Justice Education (ISBN 9780807758618)

SJS 323 - Social Justice and Change

Strangers Drowning: Impossible Idealism, Drastic Choices, and the Urge to Help  (ISBN 9780143109785)

WGS 201 - Introduction to Women's Studies

Threshold Concepts in Women's and Gender Studies: Ways of Seeing, Thinking, and Knowing (ISBN 9780367486235)

Gendered Lives: Intersectional Perspectives (ISBN 9780190928285)

Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings (ISBN 9780190924874)

WGS 203 (SOC 203) - Sociology of Gender

Questioning Gender (ISBN 9781544371351)

The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research (ISBN 9780470655689)

 WGS 301 - Women and Difference: Intersections of Race, Class, and Sexuality

Bad Fat Black Girl (ISBN 9780063111745)

Biting The Hand (ISBN 9781250824677)

Feminist Frontiers (ISBN 9781538108109)

WGS 422 (WGS 522; THE 422; THE 522) - Politics and Ethics of Theatre and Performance: Representation, Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality

Indecent (ISBN 9781559365475)

WGS 435/535 (ENG 435/535) - Queer Theory

The Routledge Queer Studies Reader (ISBN 9780415564113)

WGS 436 (GEO 436) - Women, Gender, and the Environment

Gender and Environment (ISBN 9781138894525)

WGS 461 (MAC 461) - Gender, Sexuality and Media

Gender And Media (ISBN 9780367332099)