Finding relevant books on a particular anthropology topic can be challenging. Understanding how to use subject terms (also known as subject headings) will be immensely helpful when searching for books. See the image below which highlights where subject terms are listed.
1) Identify the assigned name of the group or the place you are researching. This is the term used by the Library of Congress. For example, the subject term for the !Kung is "!Kung (African people)" and "Navajo Indians" is the assigned subject heading for the Navajo Nation.
2) Once you have the assigned name of the group, place or topic, search with that name and the subheading phrase. For example, search:
3) For compound phrases, try searching two ways - one without a space between words and one with a space. For example, search mound build* and moundbuild* (the asterisk will bring in results for build, building, builders, etc.) to find results about moundbuilding societies.
Adapted from Deb Brown Stewart (University of Pennsylvania) and Jenny Bowers (University of Denver)