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Technical Services: Link Resolver

EBSCO Full Text Finder (formerly LinkSource)

Find it button

To minimize confusion, we are using the OhioLINK "Find It!" icon with the EBSCO link resolver.  

After clicking on the Find It icon, the user will see a screen that looks like this:

The "Revise Search" link in the above screenshot may be used to revise the search for a citation in our full text resources.  Sometimes making a search more general will yield a better result.


The link resolver will only return links to materials that fall within the coverage dates of our full text subscriptions.  If an article citation is for a very recent article and we only have access to the journal through one year ago, you will not get a result on the link resolver page.

If the resolver doesn't find any full text options, it will display alternative links--one link to Miami's classic catalog, and a second link to the OhioLINK central catalog, where it will search for the print counterpart by standard number (ISSN or ISBN).  These searches are only as good as the bibliographic records in our catalogs.  For items with no holdings, a link to our ILL request page and/or Get It Now will also be displayed.  If you discover a search which is returning no results and you are certain that we do own that material, please notify Jennifer Bazeley so that catalog records can be checked and updated.

Google Scholar & PubMed

Google Scholar Outbound Linking

Google Scholar settings are available at:

PubMed Outbound Linking

In order to use our new resolver, you will need to enter PubMed through either of the two following URLs:

The old URL ( will no longer work as of January 31, 2014.

Platform Specifics

As a general rule, outbound links have been configured to take users to the article level.

While the EBSCO link resolver offers more functionality than OLinks did, there are still instances where linking may fail. This is generally due to a third-party vendor/platform being only partially compliant or non-compliant with the Open URL standard.  It may also be due to flawed metadata on the part of the vendors.  

Platform-Specific Known Problems

LexisNexis Academic Universe

  • The success rate linking into Academic Universe articles is high but there will be occasions when linking will fail.  This is in part due to content which LexisNexis changes without telling our link resolver and A to Z vendors.  

ProQuest Platform

  • Linking into ProQuest is generally successful, although I have noticed that when an article title has unusual spelling or punctuation in it (e.g., conjunctions or apostrophes), linking is more prone to failure.  There isn't much we can do about this problem, which is on the ProQuest side.

Factiva Academic

  • I have set up linking at the article level into Factiva, but linking is fussy at best.  Linking is successful about 75% of the time and is dependent on how accurate the metadata is both in EBSCO's index and in Factiva's article records. 


  • The Directory of Open Access Journals only supports linking to the journal title level at this time, and not to the article level.  If they are able to support article-level linking in the future, we will update our configurations accordingly.

Gale Databases

  • Linking into Gale generally works at the article level, with the exception of Book Reviews Online, which links at the journal level.
  • Occasional failures are the result of mis-matching metadata (e.g., start page of article is different in EBSCO index than it is on Gale site).

Project Muse

  • Linking into Project Muse is configured for article-level, but it occasionally returns results at the journal title level.  It's unclear what the problem is in these instances.


  • Because material in the EJC has not always been labeled in a consistent way, linking at the article level can be inconsistent.  EBSCO and OhioLINK are working together to improve linking.

Chadwyck-Healey Products (includes Periodicals Archive Online, FIAF, and EEBO)

  • These links have been configured to link at the article level, but can be fussy due to the nature of the materials in the Chadwyck-Healey databases (many older materials do not have a standard number like ISSN or ISBN to match on).