The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The role of the USPTO is to grant patents for the protection of inventions and to register trademarks. Their main webpage has a lot of useful information on it but is not the site to visit to actually look for patents.
Similar to when looking for articles, coming up with some terms is the best first step. Think about the purpose, composition and use of the invention.
Patent Public Search - that's the name of the search interface, is where you go to look for patents.
This interface allows you to search with keywords or with CPC codes.
Essentially read over what you found.
Different parts of a patent include:
There is a separate page on this guide about reading or deciphering a U.S. patent.
CPC stands for cooperative patent classification.
Like things are grouped together in a hierarchical structure from broad to narrow
You can use CPC codes during patent research, as a compliment to keywords
There is a separate page on this guide with more information.
Similar to research with scholarly articles, looking at similar resources that have been cited by the item of interest can be very helpful.
Cited references for patents can be found on the front page. Once you have those patent numbers, search for them is simple.
As with article searches, patent research is an iterative process. You won't usually find everything you need in the first round of looking.