High quality resources focused on the older population. Includes policies, issues, theories of aging, and more.
It is a valuable source of information on the delivery of health care to the older population and its associated costs and policies are particularly well covered, as are public policy issues, theories of aging, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, marketing to older adults, elder care, Alzheimer’s, financial and retirement planning, fitness, nutrition, and housing.
Premier resource on all areas of psychology including, education, business, medicine, nursing, law, social work, and animal behavior. Ability to limit by methodology (e.g. empirical, qualitative, or quantitative studies).
Subject include: psychology, speech pathology and audiology, nursing, gerontology, social work, American studies, educational psychology, educational leadership, disability studies.
Comprehensive source on nursing & allied health journals.
Covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
Contains over 30 million citations in fields including medicine, nursing, biomedical engineering, the health care system, and the basic biomedical sciences.
MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from biomedical journals published in the United States and other countries. The database contains citations dating back to the mid-1950's. Journal articles are indexed for MEDLINE using NLM's subject heading system, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).
Primary resource for research in the field of Sociology.
This index contains more than 1,900,000 records with subject headings from a 19,300 term sociology-specific thesaurus. This database also contains abstracts for more than 815 core coverage journals dating back to 1895. In addition, the database provides data mined from more than 630 priority coverage journals as well as 2,840 selective coverage journals. This index replaces Sociological Abstracts.
Provides high quality research on Sociology, Social Work and related disciplines.
The Sociological Collection is a comprehensive database covering information in all areas of sociology, including social behavior, human tendencies, interaction, relationships, community development, culture and social structure. This database provides complete full-text for more than 500 journals, including more than 450 peer-reviewed titles with some full-text as far back as 1965.