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Designing Research Assignments for Undergraduates & Graduate Students

1 Based on your teaching experience, where do your students struggle in the research process? 

  • Getting Started (Finding background information, search terms, knowing where to begin online search)
  • Writing a focused, answerable research question
  • Using a variety of sources including scholarly
  • Using subject databases and digital collections in the discipline
  • Citing Sources
  • Other?

2 What are 1-2 essential research concepts or strategies that students need to know and apply to be successful completing your research assignments? 

3 How do you identify these information literacy goals at learning outcomes in your course?

4 Which one of the 6 frames in the Association of College and Research Libraries, Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education matches your learning outcomes?  Please see this plain language version of How Information Works by Sherri Saines Ohio University.

5 In your discipline, which research basics do students need to master before entering the workplace or joining the scholarly conversation?  Which courses in your department's curriculum address them?  In other words, where do students practice and gain confidence in applying these research concepts and skills?

6 Are there specific scholarly databases that majors need practice using?  Do professionals in your field prefer to begin with Google Scholar?

7 How are you addressing students library anxiety and reluctance to ask for academic research help?  Few want to expose ignorance.  Many students graduate from high schools without a credential teacher-librarian.  AP and transfer students may have missed information literacy instruction in Miami's introductory courses.  International students may be working from different cultural assumptions.

8 For students who may benefit from an individual intervention or remediation, have you considered using Credo Information Literacy Modules (1 or all 6) to develop  a strong foundation in academic research?  It includes videos, tutorials with self-check activities, and quizzes.  Or perhaps the entire class would benefit?

9 Would you like to collaborate with an embedded librarian in your Canvas course or invite a librarian to class as a guest instructor?

10 Have you seen or used any of the digital learning objects:  course guides, screencasts, videos, or HyperDocs Miami librarians have created?

11 Are you interested in partnering with a librarian to use open educational resources in your course?  Academic libraries buy and license digital collections, which may reduce students' expenses.  For Example:  Ohio University Libraries. Choosing and Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research. 2016.


HyperDocs / Digital Lessons in Academic Research

CRITICAL THINKING -  How Authoritative Is That Author / Source? 
(Have students make a Copy and complete the Activities.)

Challenge first year students to evaluate the sources they use in their research projects.  Use this digital lesson plan (HyperDoc) to guide students in investigating suspicious sources. 


CAPSTONE PROJECT - Capstone Research Project 
(Have students make a copy and complete the activities)
Help seniors start their capstone project.  Use this digital lesson plan (HyperDoc) to guide students in background research and focus their research question, identify search terms, and find potential sources.

Discipline Specific Research - Evidence-Based Practice Research & PICO 
(Have students make a copy and complete the activities)
Guide nursing students in writing a PICO question to answer.  Direct students to search for evidence-based practice systematic reviews and studies in 3 library databases:  CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and PubMed.

Your Librarian

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John Burke
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Gardner-Harvey Library
Miami University
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042