Databases with User Limits | OhioLINK Electronic Resources |
List of all EBSCOhost Databases | OL Databases by Access Type |
NOTE: All reports post-2021 DBR1 unless otherwise noted
Alexander Street Press (April 2009- )
All the World's Primates (2018- )
Annee Philologique (August 2018- )
BCC Research (Calendar Years 2022-2023). Not DBR1
Bibliography of Asian Studies (2009-2016) [for 2016 forward, see EBSCO Database report]
Birds of North America (2014- )
Business & Industry (Gale) (2009-2015)
Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities (2008- )
Chadwyck Healey Databases (2008- )
Chadwyck Healey Databases COUNTER (2009-2015)
Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (2013- )
Columbia Gazetteer of the World (2014- )
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (September 2014- )
D&B Hoover's (May 2016- ) [formerly OneSource]
Daily Life Through History ABC-Clio (2010- )
DRAM - Database of Recorded American Music (Mar 2015- )
EBSCO Databases
Engineering Village (Compendex and GeoBase) (2010- )
Facts on File Science Online (2009-Jun 2018)
Global Road Warrior (Oct 2017- )
Grey House Publishing (2013-2016)
Historical Statistics of the US (2006- )
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (2010- )
JoVE General & Chemistry (2013- ) Note: self-service; must be on campus to view usage
Labor and Employment Law Resource Center (June 2017-June 2018)
LexisNexis (2009- ) DBR3
Library Music Source (2011-June 2017)
Literary Research Guide (2010-2017) DBR2
Mergent Key Business Ratios (July 2017- )
Naxos Music Library (Sept 2010- )
Naxos Video Library (Sept 2017- )
NBC Learn (September 2012-September 2013) [opens as PDF]
OhioLINK OSearch Databases (2009-2012)
SimplyMap / SimplyAnalytics (June 2013-June 2017)
SimplyMap / SimplyAnalytics (July 2017- )
Statista (December 2017- ) BR2
Transparent Language Online (July 2018- )
Miami University Libraries (Oxford) started a streaming video PDA pilot with Kanopy in late November 2014 and ended on June 30th, 2019.
Kanopy is a streaming video platform with more than 15,000 films from a variety of collections and producers, including the California Newsreel, Green Planet, PBS, BBC Active, and Stanford Executive Briefings collections.
Download Kanopy logos and other promotional materials (maintained by Kanopy)
You must use the link below to access to Miami's Kanopy collection:
PDA Details
Kanopy Search Widget
Use the following code to embed the search box widget below into your website:
<iframe src="" width="350" height="150" frameborder="0"></iframe>