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EGS 212: Crime as a Narrative Problem (Cotugno): Home

Welcome from your embedded librarian!

Hello! I'm John Burke and I'm your librarian. My job is to help you find the information you need for your assignments in EGS 212.  The Gardner-Harvey Library website and the Rentschler Library website have a lot of wonderful resources for your research needs, and the ones listed in this guide are some great starting spots for your searches.

Please feel free to contact me using the methods listed under my picture on the right.  You can also schedule a Research Consultation for a one on one appointment with me or any of our librarians

Quick Tutorials on Finding Articles, Books, and E-Books

Here are four quick (5 minutes or less) tutorials on finding articles, books, and e-books at Miami University:

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
John Burke
Chat with me @ AskGHL
or text me at 513-273-5360
Request a Research Consultation
Or make an appointment with me in Navigate
Gardner-Harvey Library
Miami University
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042