Makerspace Usage
The Makerspace is available to all Miami-affiliated students, faculty, or staff. You must have a valid Miami ID card to use the space. Exceptions must be approved by Sarah Nagle ( in writing prior to use. In accordance with Miami University Libraries Policy, children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or Miami faculty, staff, or student. A responsible party must supervise children under the age of 16 in the operation of Makerspace equipment.
All adult users must sign a Makerspace Use Agreement And Release Of Liability. Users at least 16 years of age but under 18 years of age must submit a Minor Makerspace Use Agreement And Release Of Liability signed by a parent/guardian. Users must also complete training for use of specified machines. All users must follow the Safety Guidelines. Any failure to comply with the above will result in loss of Makerspace privileges.
Hours of Operation
The Makerspace hours of operation are standardized hours during the academic year, independent of King Library Hours. Hours may be subject to change for holidays or intercessions. Hours will be posted in the Makerspace and on the Create & Innovate website. All projects must be completed during standard hours of operation unless otherwise arranged with Makerspace staff.
Library staff may request space through Google calendar at any time. All outside library requests should be made by email to at least three business days prior to the meeting or event in question. All requests are filtered through the Create and Innovate team on a first come first serve basis with respect to open hours and workshop schedules.
All reservations are to be tracked on appropriate Google calendars for spaces to allow for assessment and tracking purposes. If support is needed for reservation, please see Events Policy.
Usage Limitations
Patrons may only pre-book one machine at a time. If machines are available, Makerspace staff may approve the use of multiple machines at one time, on a case by case basis and at the discretion of staff.
Patrons may not utilize the Makerspace for any type of commercial use. Selling of items created in the Makerspace is not permitted.
3D Printing Limits
The maximum booking time for 3D printing is 3.5 hours. If your print is estimated to take more than 3.5 hours, your print must start at most 4 hours prior to close. (For instance, if close is 5 p.m., your print must start no earlier than 1 p.m.) Prints must be monitored by users for at least 30 minutes prior to leaving them unattended. Prints may never exceed 10 hours in print time. Prints longer than 3.5 hours must be approved by Makerspace staff. Makerspace staff reserves the right to stop a print if approval was not obtained or if the print is at risk of failing.
Free Material Limits
Free materials are a courtesy provided by Miami University Libraries. We cannot guarantee the availability of any materials at any time. If you exceed the free material limit, you may purchase your own supplies. Makerspace staff will be available to approve any outside materials brought into the space. You may contact for an approved outside materials list. Per semester, users are limited to:
Makerspace Hours
To facilitate usage for the larger Miami University community, the Makerspace has open hours for usage. Walk-in use of equipment in the Makerspace is on a first-come, first-served basis. Limited staff assistance will be available during Open Hours. For more in-depth assistance, users may schedule an appointment with a staff member.
3D Printing Policy
Users may not use Makerspace equipment to create objects that endanger themselves or others.
Staff have the right to refuse any project. All projects must comply with Miami University's 3D Printing Policy.
Makerspace Projects
All projects created within the Makerspace must respect the intellectual property of others and follow all U.S. copyright laws. Materials are available in the Makerspace for a fee. Fees will be posted in the Makerspace, and are subject to change. Users may provide their own materials for projects, but must follow guidelines for acceptable materials as outlined on the Makerspace LibGuide. Staff have the right to refuse any materials or projects.
General Lab Safety
Machine-Specific Safety Considerations
Please refer to the Safety Manual for each machine for more detailed safety guidelines. Click the name of the machine for full manuals.
GlowForge Laser Cutter
3D Printers
Sewing Machines
Heat Press
General Questions?
Phone: (513) 529-2871
Visit the C+I Staff page for our staff contact information and areas of expertise.