For information on industries, individual companies, consumer needs, or marketing strategies, you may wish to search the Business Source Complete index for articles.
Aside from just keyword searching your company or industry, you can also limit your search to an NAICS code (by entering the code in the search blank, and then choosing "NAICS Code or Description" from the drop-down menu on the same line).
Likewise, that drop-down entry has a limiter for "Company Entity" (to focus your search on information related to a given company) or the limiter "Reviews and Products" to specify a particular product.
The Marketing Research Guide, developed by business subject specialist librarian Abigail Morgan, provides access to many other marketing and general business resources. Consult the guide for lists of databases and guidance on using them to find the marketing information you need.
Watch: Articles & More (Burke, 3:00 min., 2018) or Focusing Your Search in Articles & More (Burke, 2:17 min., 2020)