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Sports Studies: KNH 453/553/621

On this page

The databases and other resources on this page will help you find articles for your annotated bibliographies and specific aims proposals. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you run into any problems.

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New to searching for literature?

This series of short videos will show you a few useful techniques you can use to improve your literature searches.


Citation Managers

The links below will give you more information about a few free citation managers. I highly recommend you use one, since you'll likely be wanting to save many of the articles you analyze for later in your graduate program.


ORCID business card example showing an orc holding an orchid demonstrating a link for researchers.

Get to Full Text with Find It!

Most literature indexes do not have the actual journal articles included within them.  Instead, these indexes just contain information about the article, e.g. titles, authors, abstract.

When you find an article of interest in an index, click the "Find It" button by that entry to get to the full text.  If we have a subscription, "Find It" will provide a link to the journal article. (Or if we have the print, it will provide a link to the catalog with the location and call number.)

Find It button

(A few databases, like Academic Search Complete, include full text for some articles. These databases may allow you to search only for articles available in full text, but be aware that you are only searching a small portion of the articles we actually subscribe to.)

Student Success Librarian for Foundational Learning