This page contains information to help you find datasets. If you need help with your own data or a data management plan, check out the Data Services research guide.
The world's largest archive to computerized social science data at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).
Many datasets are provided with online analysis tools or with SAS, SPSS and Stata setup files for advanced statistical analysis.
Integrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 sources. Provides direct access to quantitative data on media, business, politics, and more. Statista includes data sources such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.
Categorized into 21 market sectors, it provides direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Statista includes data sources such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. For each statistic, metadata is also provided including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and any other relevant details to facilitate verification of all statistical information available in the database.
A data download and visualization tool hosting social science data about U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan statistical areas. It spans topics like employment, crime, religion, education and more.
Contains data on health, disease and death, and population estimates. Useful for public health research, decision making, program evaluation, and more.
SAMHDA provides public use data files and documentation related to collection, analysis, and dissemination of behavioral health data. Data sets can be downloaded in variety of formats, including SAS, SPSS, Stata, etc.