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WGS 201 (by Brea McQueen): Before you Search!

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The brief videos and tutorials on this page show how to choose the best keywords, refine a search, and evaluate the information you find. There is also information explaining what a "peer-reviewed" article is and teaching you to build more effective searches.

Tutorials and Videos

Peer Reviewed Articles

What does "peer reviewed" article mean?
Peer review is the process by which articles are selected for publication in academic or scholarly journals. The articles are evaluated for accuracy, proper research methodology, and the correct interpretation and use of data. This review process is done by other experts or researchers in the same field of study who are the authors' peers, and that's how the process got its name. Articles in magazines, also called popular articles, do not undergo this type of review process, although an editor does do basic fact checking and make grammar corrections.

How do I know if an article has been peer reviewed?
Most article databases have a checkbox that allows you to limit your search to only journals that include a peer review process. You still need to make sure the item you want to use is an article, however, because peer reviewed journals have other types of information in them besides reviewed articles. For example, they may have a section of reviews of new books that have been published in their field, or they may publish opinion pieces or letters to the editor. None of those go through a peer review process. 

For more information
Watch this video about Peer Review to learn more!

Search Tips

“And”, “Or”, “Not” (Boolean Operators): Use the words to narrow or expand your search results. For Example:

  • “automobiles” AND “accidents” will return results that contain BOTH of the terms.
  • “juvenile” OR “adolescent” OR “teenager” will return results that contain at least one of the terms. Useful for words with similar meanings.
  • “cinderella” NOT “rock band” will return results that do NOT include the 1980’s rock band, Cinderella.

Use an * at the end of a root word to find all variations of that word. For example, “child*” will search for “child,” “children,” “childhood,” and “children's.”

Brainstorm words or concepts that are similar in meaning and use those as search terms. If you find a good resource, look at the “Subject Headings” or “Descriptors” listed and use those as additional search terms.

Bibliographies/References/Works Cited pages are great ways to find additional resources. You can search the library’s Catalogs and/or Databases.