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WGS 201 (by Brea McQueen): Finding Articles

Important Note

Please be sure to review the information on the Before You Search! tab on the left menu before you begin searching in the tools listed on this tab. The Before You Search! tab explains what a "peer reviewed" article is and how to tell when you have found one. It also gives tips for building more effective searches. There are brief videos and tutorials that explain how to choose the best keywords, refine your searches, and evaluate the information you find.

Finding Articles

You will need to log in with your MU ID and password when using these resources off campus.

You can search all of these databases together by clicking the title of one of them and then following the instructions below.

Click the blue “Choose Databases” link above the text entry boxes at the top of the screen. Place a check in the box next to each of the databases you want to add on the popup window. Click OK at the top or bottom of the popup window.

choose databases link  

Use the Find It! Button

Yellow Find it! button.

Most databases do not have the actual journal articles housed on them, some databases, like Academic Search Complete will have some of them.  Instead, they usually just contain information about the article.  Some databases will allow you to search full-text only, but beware that you are not searching all the articles that we subscribe to.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the "Find It" button to cross-search other databses for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.