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LAURE: Library Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence: Overview

LAURE LogoSponsored by the Miami University Libraries and the Student Library Advisory Committee

Tell Us Your Research Story!

What's the most important part of LAURE? What are the judges really looking for?

Most people think it's the research study, project, or paper but they're incorrect. 80% of the judges final score is based on the research story essay describing your research process. How did your research start? Where did it end up? How did the library's resources support you along the way? Tell us your research story!


The Miami University Libraries provide many resources to support undergraduate research, whether that be our librarians, our digital databases, our books, our technology, our archives and special collections, or our makerspace. The Miami University Libraries Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence is an annual award dedicated to celebrating research conducted by undergraduates using library resources. How have the libraries helped you? Tell us your research story!

All undergraduate students enrolled at Miami University are eligible. We welcome a wide range of submission types, research papers, lab/clinical research investigations, multimedia projects, artworks, prototypes, and models. For a complete list, see How to Apply.

Award Categories & Prizes

First Prize: $750

Second Prize: $300

Third Prize: $200

How to Apply

To apply for the LAURE award, you will need to submit four things: 

1. A double-spaced 750-1000 word research story essay describing your research process and how you used library resources and expertise to support your research inquiry. Your essay should identify your research topic/question and help your readers share your interest in it, as you explain your library research process. You might for example describe research consultations with librarians, your use of electronic, print, or archival collections in developing your research topic, or your use of library spaces or digital tools in completing your project. You should also describe what you learned about the research process and how you responded and adapted to the inevitable challenges along the way.

2. A copy of the research study, project, or paper.

3. An abstract of between 150-250 words outlining the research question, methods, conclusion, and significance of your research study, project or paper.

4. Contact information for the faculty or staff member who is sponsoring your application for this award.


Have questions about the application process or appropriate projects? Problems writing the essay or with submitting files? Please reach out to us at:


  1. Read all the instruction on this website
  2. Talk with your research advisor or sponsor
  3. Look at the example essays
  4. Write your essay following these instructions
  5. Gather your files
  6. Submit your application

Important Dates

February 12 - Submissions start

March 13 - Last day to submit; submissions due 11:59 PM

Early April - Winners notified

April TBD - Awards presented at the Undergraduate Research Forum