If you are looking for Wall Street Journal articles, go directly to the Factiva database. It has all the articles (but not the stock market data). You can read current articles from the last 2 weeks right on the main page page or search for articles using the Search box in the top tool bar.
If you find a link to a Wall Street Journal article in the Business Source Complete database, click on the Find It Link to get to the full text.
If that takes you to a search page in Factiva, go back to Business Source Complete and copy the article title and note the date of the article.
In the Factiva Search box, paste the article title into the search box in quotes. You may also need to change the search date, depending on when our article was written.
If you try and access Factiva and it won't let you in, it may be full. We only have a license for 4 simultaneous users. This is also why it times out quickly. Try again in a few minutes.
This includes full-text coverage of many major U.S. and international newspapers. It also includes television and radio transcripts, and business and trade journals as well as company reports and financial data. Limited to 4 simultaneous users.
Source for researching news, business, and legal topics. It contains full-text of sources from all over the world, drawn from print, broadcast, and online media.