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CMR 244 - Ferguson: Current Events

Research guide for Dr. Chen Ferguson's CMR 244 class (Introduction to Global Business)

What to Know

While a lot of business news is available online, you may encounter a 'pay wall' for some articles (you are blocked after viewing an article X number of times unless you are a subscriber.)  The following news and current events databases are subscription-based, but Miami University has already paid for access. These should all provide full text articles from newspapers, magazines, peer-reviewed-scholarly sources, and more.

Current Events Research Tools

Search Tip: Use the Find It! Button

When you search a database for a "Full Text" item, you are only searching through that particular database for the document in full-text, and not our entire collection.  An item may exist as a "Full Text" selection within a different database.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the Find it button button to cross-search other databases for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.

If the Find it button button does NOT lead you to the full- text, you can order the article for FREE through Interlibrary Loan.  The article will be emailed to you, usually in just a few days.  You can also email ME and I will help you look for it.