Round 1 - Pilot (2014)
Additional Information
Knowledge Unlatched is an international e-book publishing project that allows a variety of scholarly monographs to be made open access (free to the world) through the support of participating libraries. These books are from well-established university and scholarly presses and will also be published in print format.
KU Select 2018 (Round 5; 2018-2019)
Miami University Libraries has pledged to support the front list titles for STEM ($1,850) AND HSS ($8,305) using one time endowed funds.
KU Select 2017 Books (Round 4; 2017-2018)
MUL pledged to support the KU Select 2017 frontlist e-books (151 titles) for a total of $8,003. 107 of the 151 frontlist titles were ultimately published in 2018-2019.
KU Select 2016 (Round 3; 2016-2017)
MUL pledged to support all KU Select 2016 titles for $10,780. KU Select 2016 contains 343 titles from 54 publishers: 147 frontlist titles and 196 backlist titles.
Additional information:
Round 2 (2015-2016)
KU invited libraries to pledge a capped maximum of $3,891 to unlatch the Round 2 Collection of 78 titles from 26 recognized publishers, which is just under $50 per book. Libraries needed to pledge to a minimum of six packages in order to participate. The minimum pledge needed to unlatch six packages was $2,643.
Publishers have agreed to recognize additional format purchases by participating libraries as a contribution towards the cost of unlatching the collection. If a title in the KU Round 2 Collection is ordered in any print or electronic format through any channel before 30 April 2016, the library will receive a deduction on the KU unlatching fee of that title.
A service charge of 15% to cover KU’s running costs (which were previously covered by grants) has been divided between the publishing and library communities, with 7.5% of the title fee being covered by each party. The price of each package already reflects this service charge.
All Round 2 packages were unlatched.
Round 2 Additional Information
Knowledge Unlatched e-books are hosted on the OAPEN Library platform at:
They can also be accessed via the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) at:
View Knowledge Unlatched e-books in the library catalog:
Source: Miami
Lease or Own: Open Access
Single or Multiple Users: Multiple
Format: PDF
Downloadable: yes
Printing Allowed: yes
Platform/Software: web browser; Adobe Reader
Registration: no
Link to Support:
How Cataloged: Individual records in catalog
Usage Reports: yes (Miami University usage / Worldwide usage)
Additional information is available at the Knowledge Unlatched Title List site.