The Miami University Libraries welcomes the donation of gifts-in-kind not already in library collections in the following categories:
Because of reduced staff we cannot accept the following:
All donations of gifts-in-kind are accepted with the understanding that the Libraries will retain only those materials that meet our collection needs. These decisions are made at the discretion of the subject librarian.
The Libraries cannot assist in packing or transporting donated materials. On campus, the donor’s department may contact the trucking crew to arrange transportation of large collections. Off campus, the donor should arrange transportation to the King Library shipping room door (off the drive between King Library and McGuffey Hall). Please contact the Libraries about your gift before arranging for delivery.
If you wish to claim a donation as a tax deduction, please be aware that the Libraries are not permitted to provide any appraisal or value estimate. The donor is responsible for following IRS rules. Once accepted, donations become the property of Miami University and cannot be returned to donors.
Donors who believe their materials are of special value or of historical significance should contact Walter Havighurst Special Collections at (513) 529-3323.
For further information or to discuss your gift plans, please contact Technical Services at (513) 529-4135.
Thank you for your cooperation and support of the Miami University Libraries.
*The Libraries currently provides most journals in an electronic format. A complete run of a print journal not available online will be considered as an exception.
Last updated 5/29/2012