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Acquisitions: Acquisitions

Firm Orders and DDA Duplicates

Current policy: if a print or electronic book is selected for order by a librarian and is already available to our users through a DDA e-book aggregator, acquisitions staff will not purchase the selected title.

GOBI Rushes & Holds

Rush Items in GOBI

  • Put RUSH in the Note to YBP in the record.
  • Please include any additional information such a names, emails if some one specific is waiting on it
  • If an item is also being put on reserve for a particular course, please include that information and follow normal reserve procedures
  • If possible, e-mail Kay Alexander or Cara Calabrese via the Libacq email when you put in a RUSH item.

Holds for Items - GOBI

  • For Selectors: To indicate HOLDS on items you are ordering, enter names into Note to YBP in the record (emails make this easier to place)

  • For Acquisitions: To indicate HOLDS on items you are ordering, enter names into the Order Notes field (under order details).

Fund Codes

Humanities Science Social Science General Used for Examples
H1P Sc1P So1P G1P Perpetual print purchase book from GOBI, Amazon, Casalini...
H1E Sc1E So1E G1E Perpetual electronic purchases eBook from GOBI, electronic backfile purchase
H2E Sc2E So2E G2E electronic subscription Streaming video lease, Database from ProQuest
H1B Sc1B So1B G1B perpetual purchase where material comes with both print and electronic components video where you need to buy the DVD to get the streaming file
H4E Sc4E So4E G4E Fees for electronic materials perpetual access fee from ProQuest
H2P Sc2P So2P G2P Print Subscription print serial from EBSCO
H2B Sc2B So2B G2B Subscription that ae both Print and electronic P+E serial from EBSCO, Big EBSCO invoice
H3P Sc3P So3P G3P print STO Art Catalogs, b16694181
H3E Sc3E So3E G3E E STO OECD economic surveys (Online), b31338057


Subject for Sierra Sierra fund piece Index codes Sierra fund piece  Account Code Sierra fund piece
Humanities H Perpetual 1 Electronic/Intangible E
Science Sc Subscription/lease 2 Physical P
Social Science So STO/Continuations 3 P+E B (both)
General G Fees for perpetual access 4 cataloging C