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PSY 458 - Capstone in Neuroscience: Evaluating Sources

Evaluating Sources


  • What has changed since the publication date? 
  • Is it still being used as a resource?


  • Who is the author?
  • Are they an expert?
    • You can look at their Web of Science author profile, their ORCID profile, Google Scholar profile, or their website
  • What else has the author written?
  • In which contexts does the author have expertise?
    • Does the author represent a particular set of world views? 
    • Do they represent specific gender, sexual, racial, political, social and/or cultural orientations?
    • Do they have a formal role in a particular institution (e.g. a professor at Oxford)? 



  • Is this the final version?
  • Has there been a rebuttal, correction or review been published?