- Types of data produced
- Product of research
- Expected data
- What type of data will be produced in the research?
- How much data will it be, and at what growth rate?
- How and when will the data be collected? What software is required to produce, analyze, read, or view the data?
- Will you use existing data? If so, where is it from, and why was it chosen for this research?
- Data and metadata standards
- Data format
- Data collected, formats, and standards
- What file formats will be used? Are they standard to your field and/or proprietary?
- What file naming conventions will be used for your data?
- What contextual details (metadata) will you generate (automatically and/or manually) for others to understand and use your data?
- What metadata standard(s) will you select, and why? (e.g., accepted domain-local standard, widespread usage, software-generated)
- Will you track versions of your data? Will you use any version control software in doing so?
- Policies for access and sharing
- Policies for data sharing and public access
- Access to data and data-sharing practices and policies
- Dissemination methods
- Data dissemination and policies for public access, sharing, and publication delays
- Policies for access and sharing and provisions for appropriate protection/privacy
- Which of the data used or generated during the project will be shared?
- When and how will you share these data?
- Will there be any embargo periods for political/commercial/patent reasons?
- Does the data have to be protected (e.g., access restricted to only certain authorized users), and if so, what is your plan for protection?
- Does sharing the data raise privacy, ethical, or confidentiality concerns, and if so, how will they be addressed?
- Policies for re-use, redistribution
- Policies and provisions for re-use, re-distribution, and production of derivatives
- Will you permit reuse, redistribution, or the creation of new tools, services, data, or products (derivatives), and will commercial use be allowed?
- How will you make your data available for re-use?
- Who is expected to use your data (in the near and long future)?
- How should users of your shared data give you credit? (e.g. through data citation or in the acknowledgement section of a publication)?
- If your data are in an uncommon or proprietary format, will they be converted to a more common non-proprietary format for reuse?
- Could a licensing approach (such as a Creative Commons License) help with reuse?
- Plans for archiving and preservation
- Archiving of data
- Data storage and preservation
- Data storage and preservation of access
- Which of the data used or generated during the project will be stored or archived after the project?
- Will you archive your data in data repositories? If depositing into one of many discipline-specific data repositories, which one will you use, and why?
- If using a service outside of your project team or institution to archive your data, will there be a formal archiving agreement? (e.g., Co-PI's institution, discipline-specific data repositories, journal publishers)
- What transformations will be necessary to prepare data for preservation? (e.g., data cleaning, anonymization, converting your data to more stable file formats)
- Roles and responsibilities
- What are the responsibilities of staff and investigators for managing the data generated during and after the project?
- Who is responsible for each data management activity to ensure the DMP is reviewed and implemented?
- Who will have responsibility for decisions about the data once all the original personnel are no longer associated with the project?
- Is there a formal process for transferring responsibility for the data should a PI or co-PI leave his or her institution?
- Which of the data you plan to generate will have long-term value to others?
- How long will you keep your data beyond the life of the project? (e.g., 3-5 years, 10-20 years)
- Which datasets will be archived (preserved for the long term) and made available, and which will not?
- Who maintains your data for the long term?
- Additional possible data management requirements
- Cost of implementing the DMP
- Who will manage and administer the preserved or archived data? Is additional specialist expertise (or training for existing staff) required?
- Who will bear the cost associated with data preparation, management, and preservation?