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Using MRI Simmons Catalyst: Reading and Understanding MRI Simmons Reports

Reading & Understanding MRI Simmons Reports

Using the "Crosstabs" and "Brand Catalyst & Quick Reports" tabs above, you can find definitions of and basic information on the different terms used in MRI Simmons.

How to Interpret Crosstab Data Guide Download

Understanding Important MRI Simmons Catalyst Terms

Sample- The number of adults surveyed who meet the chosen criteria. 

Weighted- The projected number of adults who meet both the column and row criteria. 

     What this means- Weighted shows you a projection of how many users of a product there are. If used properly this is one way you can size a market.

Vertical- Percent of the column reached by the row. 

     What this means- Vertical shows you what percentage of the variable you have chosen to put in the column coincides with what is in the row. So, if you had chosen Red bull users to be your column variable and different generations (Gen Z, Gen X, etc..) to be in the rows, vertical would explain what percent of each generation made up of red bull users. 

Horizontal-  Percent of the row reached by the column. 

     What this means- Horizontal shows you what percentage of the variable you have chosen to put in the row coincides with what is in the column. So, if you had chosen Millennials to be your row variable and different convenience stores to be in columns horizontal would explain what percent of millennials made up who shopped at these convenience stores. 

IndexThe likelihood of the target to meet a specified criterion, expressed in relation to the base, where 100 = average.

     What this means-  Index allows you to benchmark your variable against the base population chosen. So, if you had red bull users as your column variable and millennials as your row variable and an index of 190, millennials would be 90% more likely to have consumed red bull than your base population. 

Index equation- Index-100= % more or less likely than the base.  

Base- Population the researcher is choosing to use for their research. If none are chosen/specified, population is all adults 18+ in the United States.

Understanding Important MRI Simmons Catalyst Report Terms

Unweighted- The number of adults surveyed who meet the chosen criteria. 

Weighted- The projected number of adults who meet the criteria. 

     What this means- Weighted shows you a representation of how many users, how much, etc.. of a variable have used a specific good. If used properly this is one way you can size a market.

Vertical/Percent- Percent of the base that fit the criteria. 

     What this means- Vertical, or the basic percent number shown in these reports, shows what percentage of the users of the variable you chose fit that criteria. (used a product, fit into that age range, live in that area, etc..)

IndexThe likelihood of the target to meet a specified criterion, expressed in relation to the base, where 100 = average.

     What this means-  Index allows you to benchmark your variable against the base population chosen.  As an example, you have chosen red bull users as your variable and are looking at a demographic profile which has an index of 190 for 18-24 year olds. This means that the 18-24 age group would be 90% more likely to have consumed red bull than your base population. 

Index equation- Index-100= % more or less likely than the base.  

Base- Population the researcher is choosing to use for their research. If none are chosen/specified, population is all adults 18+ in the United States.