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Media Journalism and Film 105: Find Articles

This guide provides information and links to resources that may be helpful for students enrolled in Media, Journalism and Film 105.

MJF 105: Researching the TV and Film Industry Assignments Resources

Finding Articles on TV and Film

The resources below will help you find an article on the television or film industry from from Variety, AdAge, Hollywood Reporter, The New York Times, or the Los Angeles Times.

This section also provides information you will need from the Chicago Manual of Style about how to cite a magazine or newspaper article in Chicago Citation style.

For this assignment, you are required to find an article from specific magazines that cover the TV and film industries.  Articles from those magazines are indexed in the following databases.  
  • Academic Search Complete
    • This database includes many sources from popular and peer-reviewed academic sources across the disciplines. This database provides access to text-only articles from Variety, AdAge, Hollywood Reporter, The New York Times. Some content is not included.
  • Nexis Uni
    • This database Includes full text access many newspaper publication (with broad international coverage), as well as legal and patent-related sources information. This database provides access to the Los Angeles Times. Some content is not included.
When searching Academic Search Complete (for articles in AdAge, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, and The New York Times), enter your key search terms in the first search box .  
Then, in the second search box, click on "Select a Field" option and select  “SO Journal Name"] this will limit your search results to ones from the journal title you've entered (you can use the terms "Advertising Age" "New York Times" "Variety" and/or "Hollywood Reporter").
When searching Nexis Uni (for articles in the Los Angeles Times), click on "Advanced Search" and then add "Los Angles Times" to the "Source" box, before running your search.
If your assignment requires information from a specific year you can set a date range when you search..

Resources on Citing Sources in Chicago Style

In addition to summarizing the article you choose, you also need to provide a correctly formatted citation of your article, using the Chicago Style of citation (the 17th edition of this style, which is periodically updated by the University of Chicago Press).

This is a link to the quick guide to Chicago Style that you are required to use for this assignment. After opening this link you will need to do the following to find the information you will need to create a citation of your article:

  • Click on "Go to Notes and Bibliography Style"
  • Read the opening paragraph
  • Scroll down to "news or magazine article"
  • Read the entire "news or magazine article section" and replicate the examples provided in the "Bibliography entry" section (NOT "Note").  The citation for the article written by Farhad Manjoo will probably be the best example to follow.
  • If your article has multiple authors, look around on the website for examples of bibliography entries with more than one author.
  • If your article has multiple authors, look around on the website for examples of bibliography entries with more than one author.

Here are some additional resources for citing sources in Chicago Style:

Article Databases for Media Journalism and Film

The databases below are resources for locating academic journal articles relating to the study of media, journalism, and film.

Newspapers and Popular Press

Search Tip: Use the Find It! Button

Find It! button

When you search a database for a "Full Text" item, you are only searching through that particular database for the document in full-text, and not our entire collection.  An item may exist as a "Full Text" selection within a different database.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the "Find It" button to cross-search other databses for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.

Info about journals

"Is that journal peer-reviewed or scholarly?"  Find out more information about many journals in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Ulrich's Web logo


  1. Search by journal TITLE or ISSN whenever possible
  2. Referee shirt icon means it's peer-reviewed
  3. Click on the journal title to see what kind of journal it is (under "Document type")