Go to nytimes.com/grouppass. Create a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address. You may need to be on campus when renewing your account.
If you already have a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address, you may log in with those credentials. Students may also be asked to enter their anticipated graduation date. When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear. Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy full access from any location. Faculty, staff, and students will need to renew their access every 6 months from an on campus location, as prompted by the NYT
Current faculty, staff, and students can activate their Miami University Libraries-sponsored Wall Street Journal account from any location on or off campus. Click “view more” for details…
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics & reports; insights into consumers and markets include brand share, sales channels, and more. Scope is US, international, global.
Categorized into 21 market sectors, it provides direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Statista includes data sources such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. For each statistic, metadata is also provided including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and any other relevant details to facilitate verification of all statistical information available in the database.
Marketline consists of reports on 10,000 companies in the US and internationally, as well as 2,000 industry reports and in-depth country and city reports. It also includes mergers & acquisitions data.
This resource provides U.S. and international company and industry information. This source includes company financial data and corporate family trees, information on competitors, SWOT analyses, and analyst reports. Previously known as OneSource. 50 simultaneous users.
An extensive country-by-country resource for learning about culture, customs, history, and language worldwide. It consists of country guides, which include information on business, climate, culture and society, demographics and economics, education, government, health, history, maps, religion, and more.
Information on geography, people, government, transportation, economy, communications, military, and transnational issues for countries around the world.
This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life.
Indexes and abstracts a number of scholarly business journals, the majority of which are available in full-text. Also includes company, industry, and country reports covering both domestic and international. Covers the subject areas of management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and marketing.
It also includes other sources of full-text information such as country economic reports and detailed company profiles for thousands of the world's largest companies. Includes some ahead of print content.
Source for researching news, business, and legal topics. It contains full-text of sources from all over the world, drawn from print, broadcast, and online media.
Previously called LexisNexis Academic. Nexis Uni is an outstanding source for researching news, business, and legal topics. It contains full-text of sources from all over the world, drawn from print, broadcast, and online media.
I'm available via:
- Office hours @ 3083 FSB, Thursdays 1-3pm. Walk-in questions are welcome!
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day
I'm available via:
- Office hours @ 3083 FSB, Thursdays 1-3pm. Walk-in questions are welcome!
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day