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Applied Biology (Regionals): Find Articles

Key literature databases for applied biology

If you're looking for journal articles on a particular topic, this is the place to start. Literature databases, or indexes, track the individual articles published in the thousands of research journals available in biology. Some indexes are built for very particular fields of study, while others are broad (but less comprehensive).

Additional literature databases for applied biology

Search Tip: Use the Find It! Button

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When you search a database for a "Full Text" item, you are only searching through that particular database for the document in full-text, and not our entire collection.  An item may exist as a "Full Text" selection within a different database.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the "Find It" button to cross-search other databses for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.