This page contains subject databases and suggested search terms for researching ALS. Such research is highly disciplinary, so depending on your research angle, you may have better luck in one database over another.
Also here you will find a suggested search string for researching ALS, as well as some databases that might be helpful in finding such research across different disciplines. You should be able to copy and paste the search string into any of the databases to first narrow down to neurodegenerative diseases, then add additional terms for whatever aspect of research you are interested in. Feel free to contact your subject librarian if you have questions or get stuck!
Suggested starting search string for ALS:
(ALS OR “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” OR “Gehrig disease” OR “Gehrig’s disease” OR “Gehrigs disease” OR “Charcot disease” OR “Charcot’s disease” OR “Charcots disease” OR “Guam disease”)
You can click on the broad discipline in the list below to be taken to the spot on this page containing suggested databases for that subject.
PubMed and MEDLINE are built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in both of these databases, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"[Mesh]
NOTE: If prompted, please enter your MU credentials. Do not select “Institutional Sign In.” Clearing web browser cookies and cache may also fix access issues.
Use Web of Science to perform a cited reference search, where you can look up an article and see how many times it has been cited. The Web of Science Core Collection includes the following databases: Science Citation Index (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present), Index Chemicus (1993-present). Users may encounter content in this database the library has not purchased.
PubMed is built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in this database, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"[Mesh]
Similarly, CINAHL is built upon the CINAHL Subject Headings, which are used in the same way but are structured a bit differently. You can copy and add the following term to the larger string above with OR:
(MH "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis")
APA PsycINFO is also built upon its own subject headings. You can copy and add the following term to the larger search string above with OR:
(DE "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
PubMed is built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in this database, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"[Mesh]
Similarly, CINAHL is built upon the CINAHL Subject Headings, which are used in the same way but are structured a bit differently. You can copy and add the following term to the larger string above with OR:
(MH "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
PubMed is built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in this database, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"[Mesh]
Similarly, APA PsycINFO is built upon its own subject headings. You can copy and add the following term to the larger search string above with OR:
(DE "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
NOTE: If prompted, please enter your MU credentials. Do not select “Institutional Sign In.” Clearing web browser cookies and cache may also fix access issues.
Use Web of Science to perform a cited reference search, where you can look up an article and see how many times it has been cited. The Web of Science Core Collection includes the following databases: Science Citation Index (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present), Index Chemicus (1993-present). Users may encounter content in this database the library has not purchased.
PubMed is built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in this database, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"[Mesh]
Similarly, CINAHL is built upon the CINAHL Subject Headings, which are used in the same way but are structured a bit differently. You can copy and add the following term to the larger string above with OR:
(MH "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
PubMed is built upon the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which can be used in your search string to expand (or narrow) your searches more efficiently. You can use the following additional search term in this database, which can be copied and added to the larger string above with OR:
"Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"[Mesh]
Similarly, CINAHL is built upon the CINAHL Subject Headings, which are used in the same way but are structured a bit differently. You can copy and add the following term to the larger string above with OR:
(MH "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
APA PsycINFO is also built upon its own subject headings. You can copy and add the following term to the larger search string above with OR:
(DE "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis")
If you have any questions about how to search any of these databases, feel free to contact your subject librarian! We are always happy to help. You can find a listing of subject librarians and their contact information at the link below.