During the remote instruction period, off-campus account registration and login for the New York Times is available
If you already have a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address, you may log in with those credentials. Students may also be asked to enter their anticipated graduation date. When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear. Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy full access from any location. Faculty, staff, and students will need to renew their access every 6 months
If you already have a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address, you may log in with those credentials. Students may also be asked to enter their anticipated graduation date. When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear. Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy full access from any location. Faculty, staff, and students will need to renew their access every 6 months from an on campus location, as prompted by the NYT
Full FREE access to the WSJ online for ALL Miami students, staff, and faculty. To sign up, go to the WSJ registration page at http://wsj.com/MiamiOH. Once you set up your account, you can go directly to https://www.wsj.com/ from any device anywhere in the world.
This book focuses on the need of leaders in professional and personal realms to understand the importance of innovative thinking to safeguard sustainability and enhance satisfaction and motivation among stakeholders in organizations.
This book is about a new strategic leader - one who, inspired by General Systems Theory (GST), envisions an organization in which people and groups work together interdependently across organizational divides to reach a shared, rewarding future. GST has dramatically influenced physics, biology, economics, healthcare and environmental science, but has not as yet had any significant influence on the way companies work and are structured.
Although workplace design and management are gaining more and more attention from modern organizations, workplace research is still very fragmented and spread across multiple disciplines in academia. There are several books on the market related to workplaces, facility management (FM), and corporate real estate management (CREM) disciplines, but few open up a theoretical and practical discussion across multiple theories from different disciplines. Therefore, workplace researchers are not aware of all the angles from which workplace management and effects of workplace design on employees has been or could be studied.
PsycInfo is the world's largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), it is an indispensable tool for the discovery of global scholarly research.
Subject include: psychology, speech pathology and audiology, nursing, gerontology, social work, American studies, educational psychology, educational leadership, disability studies.
Indexes and abstracts a number of scholarly business journals, the majority of which are available in full-text. Also includes company, industry, and country reports covering both domestic and international. Covers the subject areas of management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and marketing.
It also includes other sources of full-text information such as country economic reports and detailed company profiles for thousands of the world's largest companies. Includes some ahead of print content.
Scholarly and practitioner journal articles focusing on human resources, including human resources management, employee assistance, organizational behavior and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
This includes full-text coverage of many major U.S. and international newspapers. It also includes television and radio transcripts, and business and trade journals as well as company reports and financial data. Limited to 4 simultaneous users.
This resource provides U.S. and international company and industry information. This source includes company financial data and corporate family trees, information on competitors, SWOT analyses, and analyst reports. Previously known as OneSource. 50 simultaneous users.
A resource for full-text industrial market research reports. Reports are available in variety of areas including mining, construction, wholesale and retail distribution, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, education, financial services, arts, entertainment, accommodations and food service, and more. Search by keyword, NAICS or SIC codes.
A collection of global business cases from a variety of industries. Areas of focus include: marketing, operations management, small business and entrepreneurship, international business, human resource management and more. Users may encounter content after 2020 in this database the library has not purchased.
Many cases are accompanied by instructor-only teaching notes with suggested teaching strategies, target audience, and possible responses to discussion questions that can help facilitate classroom discussion.
I'm available via:
- Office hours @ 3083 FSB, Thursdays 1-3pm. Walk-in questions are welcome!
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day