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GEO 101 (Nelson)


These research tools are intended to help you complete the assignments for GEO 101. If you are having trouble finding sources, please contact me using the info on the right side of the page. You can schedule a Research Appointment with me for more in-depth help.

Research Tools

Sources on Countries of the World

Europa World Plus - provides political and economic information for more than 250 countries and territories. Information includes regional and country profiles, information on physical and social geography, history, economy, and country and comparative statistics.

World Factbook - provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

Sources for Articles from Magazines, Newspapers and Journals

New York Times - Go to Create a account using your university e-mail address..

Academic Search Complete - Full text articles from magazines, newspapers, and scholarly peer-reviewed journals.

Newspaper Source - Provides cover-to-cover full text for 25 national and international newspapers, selected articles from over 260 regional U.S. papers, and some television and radio news transcripts, in addition to indexing for a far larger number of papers.

GeoBase - provides comprehensive bibliographic references to important journals in the fields of physical and human geography, geology, mineralogy, ecology and development studies.


Citation Help

APA Style - Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)

APA Style Guide - from Miami University Libraries

Your Librarian at Hamilton

Profile Photo
Mark Shores
Rentschler Library
205 Schwarm
Miami University Regionals (Hamilton)
513-785-3203 or 513-785-3235