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Finding E-Books

Miami University Online Catalog

Search By: Keywordscreenshot of how to narrow search by date and to ebooks

Get Only Ebooks: In the left-hand column, click on the arrow next to "Material Type" and then check the box next to "Electronic Resources". (red arrow in screenshot)

Change Date Range: by sliding the rule under "Publication Date" or by typing in specific years in the boxes. (red box in screenshot) Your results list will then only include items that were published within your specified date range.

Click on the title of an item to find out more information about that item and to get the citation for that item. To find the citation, click on the icon that looks like a yellow piece of paper and says "Cite" when you hover over it. Then find the MLA citation, and you can highlight, copy, and paste that into your references page. Always be sure to double-check your copied citations, though. Sometimes formatting, such as italics and hanging indents, aren’t correct. Information is typically in the correct order, but good to double-check that as well.

Research Tools

Academic Search Complete - You can create a free EBSCOhost free account to store all of your citations found in other EBSCO databases, including our Books & More tool.

Articles & More - Use this to find books and articles from some of our subscription databases.

CQ Researcher - Lengthy reports published weekly on current events.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context - Use the "Browse Issues" option to see a list of sources like magazine & newspaper articles, opinion pieces, statistics, and more.


Citation Tools

ZoteroBib - good for one-off bibliographies. Can enter ISBNs or article titles.
Zotero - Web-based bibliography storage for larger, more complicated research projects. Allows formatting in different styles. It's recommended to use the downloaded to version for your laptop or personal computer in order to use all the features. Can also use a Chrome browser extension.
EndNote Web - Sophisticated web-based citation organization & storage tool. You can download an MS Word plug-in called Cite While You Write.
Mendeley - Free web-based storage for citations. Includes a desktop app for your personal laptop or computer.
Citavi - A downloadable citation manager. The free version allows you to manage projects with up to 100 citations. - Free version only offers MLA style. The subscription version ($9.95/mo.) eliminates ads and has more citation styles.
Citation Managers - Links and instructions for EndNote Online, Zotero and Mendeley.

Your Librarian at Hamilton

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Mark Shores
Rentschler Library
205 Schwarm
Miami University Regionals (Hamilton)
513-785-3203 or 513-785-3235