During the remote instruction period, off-campus account registration and login for the New York Times is available
If you already have a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address, you may log in with those credentials. Students may also be asked to enter their anticipated graduation date. When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear. Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy full access from any location. Faculty, staff, and students will need to renew their access every 6 months
If you already have a NYTimes.com account using your university e-mail address, you may log in with those credentials. Students may also be asked to enter their anticipated graduation date. When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear. Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy full access from any location. Faculty, staff, and students will need to renew their access every 6 months from an on campus location, as prompted by the NYT
Full FREE access to the WSJ online for ALL Miami students, staff, and faculty. To sign up, go to the WSJ registration page at http://wsj.com/MiamiOH. Once you set up your account, you can go directly to https://www.wsj.com/ from any device anywhere in the world.
Use this to find scholarly journal articles on economics topics. You can also search other Ebsco databases simultaneously with Econlit by clicking on the Choose Databases link above the Ebsco Search Boxes.
EconLit indexes scholarly journal articles, books, dissertations, and working papers throughout the field of Economics. Topics covered include economic development, forecasting, history, fiscal and monetary theory, business and public finance, healthcare economics, and international, regional, and urban economics.
Global Road Warrior is an excellent international business resource, covering culture, customs, business etiquette, history, and language worldwide. It consists of 175 Country Guides of 119 topics each.
Use this for full-text articles on public policy research and analysis from think tanks, university research programs, research organizations, and publishers. Offering access to U.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature.
This is a source for full-text World Bank Reports about your countries.
Available publications include World Bank published books from 2009-2012 (which includes flagship publications, academic books and practitioner volumes), all World Development Reports (WDRs) since 1978, Policy Research Working Papers (PRWP) from 2009-2012, Economic and Sector Work (ESW) studies from 2009-2012, journal articles from 2007-2010 published in World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), and World Bank Group Annual Reports and Independent Evaluation Studies. New content will include: Content published prior to 2009 (and prior to 2007 in the case of the WBER and the WBRO), bank-authored content published by third party publishers including journal articles, books and chapters, links to datasets associated with a specific work, and other knowledge products published by the World Bank.
Information on geography, people, government, transportation, economy, communications, military, and transnational issues for countries around the world.
The Data Catalog provides free download access to over 2,000 indicators from World Bank data sources. It includes development indicators, education, health, population and gender statistics, debt tables, and worldwide governance indicators.
I'm available via:
- Office hours @ 3083 FSB, Thursdays 1-3pm. Walk-in questions are welcome!
- In person @ King by appointment Mon, Tue, Thurs
- On Zoom by appointment Mon to Fri
- Email - expect a response within 1 business day